Persisting results from your checks
To persist the results from your ChecksSuite
simply pass in a QcResultsRepository
to your ChecksSuite
. You can
either use one of the provided implementations or extend QcResultsRepository
if you wish to use some other storage
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.checkssuite._
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.repository.ElasticSearchQcResultsRepository
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.Index
// List of ElasticSearch hosts
val myEsHosts = Seq("")
val elasticSearchQcResultsRepository = ElasticSearchQcResultsRepository(hosts = myEsHosts, index = Index("my_index"))
val checksSuite = ChecksSuite("persistingChecksSuite", qcResultsRepository = elasticSearchQcResultsRepository)
Of course in this example you would need to also pass in some checks to perform.
You can also create an ElasticSearchQcResultsRepository
with custom properties, for example if you wish to use
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.{ElasticClient, ElasticNodeEndpoint, ElasticProperties}
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.JavaClient
val hostList = Seq(ElasticNodeEndpoint(protocol = "http", host = "", port = 9092, prefix = None))
val client: ElasticClient = ElasticClient(JavaClient(ElasticProperties(hostList, options = Map())))
Check out the elastic4s documentation for more details on constructing a client.