Writing your first suite of checks
Introduction to ChecksSuite
The entry point for any Flare job is a ChecksSuite
. You can pass in some metadata about the checksuite, details of the
checks to perform, your repositories for storing metrics and results, and rules about how to calculate an overall
check status. For example:
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.checkssuite.ChecksSuite
val myFirstChecksSuite = ChecksSuite(
checkSuiteDescription = "myFirstChecksSuite",
tags = ???,
singleDsChecks = ???,
dualDsChecks = ???,
arbitraryChecks = ???,
metricsToTrack = ???,
metricsPersister = ???,
qcResultsRepository = ???,
checkResultCombiner = ???
Check out the API docs for full details of the arguments for a ChecksSuite. The most important thing
to know is that all of these arguments except for checkSuiteDescription are optional. We recommend just specifying the
items you are interested in. Where you don't provide arguments either no checks of that type will be run or the metrics
or the QC Results won't be stored. The default value for tags
is an empty map. The default checkResultCombiner
use the worst status for any individual checks as the overall status for the ChecksSuiteResult
A simple ChecksSuite
Let's look at a simple example where we run some performant metric-based checks a single Dataset.
import java.time.Instant
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.checks.metrics.SingleMetricCheck
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.checkssuite._
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.thresholds.AbsoluteThreshold
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SparkSession}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SimpleChecksSuite").setMaster("local")
val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(sparkConf).getOrCreate()
import spark.implicits._
case class NumberString(num: Int, string: String)
val ds: Dataset[NumberString] = List(
NumberString(1, "a"),
NumberString(2, "b"),
NumberString(3, "c")
val numberStrings: DescribedDs = DescribedDs(ds, "numberStrings")
val simpleChecksSuite: ChecksSuite = ChecksSuite(
checkSuiteDescription = "simpleChecksSuite",
singleDsChecks = Map(
numberStrings ->
SingleMetricCheck.sizeCheck(AbsoluteThreshold(3, 5)),
SingleMetricCheck.distinctValuesCheck(AbsoluteThreshold(2, 5), List("num")))
val qcResults: Future[ChecksSuiteResult] = simpleChecksSuite.run(Instant.now)
In this case we're defining a ChecksSuite that does just 2 checks, both on the same Dataset. One checks the size of the Dataset is between 3 and 5, and the other checks that there are between 2 and 5 distinct numbers. Because no repository is provided for the results, and no Persister is provided for the metrics, no persistence of results or metrics will take place.
You'll find some more details about the different types of checks you can do, and how to persist your results and your metrics in the other sections of the documentation.
Showing your results
We've built in pretty printing of your ChecksSuiteResult
as a quick way to get started seeing the results of your
checks, and to help you in understanding reasons for any failures.
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.checkssuite.ChecksSuiteResult
val someCheckSuiteResult: ChecksSuiteResult = ???
Instances of the cats Show
typeclass are also provided in the companion object for ChecksSuiteResult