Available metrics
The available metrics are:
- count the number of rows in your datasetSumValuesMetric
- sum up a given column in your datasetCountDistinctValuesMetric
- count the distinct values across a given set of columnsComplianceMetric
- calculate the fraction of rows that comply with the given conditionDistinctnessMetric
- calculate the fraction of rows that are uniqueMinValueMetric
- calculate the minimum value in a given column. Returns None if no rows in the datasetMaxValueMetric
- calculate the maximum value in a given column. Returns None if no rows in the dataset
With most metrics a filter can be applied before the metric gets calculated - you can see an example of this below.
Size Metric
Size metrics are very straightforward and just count the number of rows in your dataset. A filter can be applied to the dataset before the rows are counted. e.g.
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricDescriptor.SizeMetric
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricFilter
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
SizeMetric(MetricFilter(col("fullName").isNotNull, "fullName is not null"))
A MetricFilter takes a filter condition and a descriptive string which is used for persistence.
SumValuesMetric sums the values in a single column. A filter can be provided (the default is no filter) e.g.
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricDescriptor.SumValuesMetric
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricFilter
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricValue.LongMetric
SumValuesMetric[LongMetric]("numberOfItems", MetricFilter.noFilter)
Note the type parameter. This is required to specify the type that should be used for the metric. For example if you
have fractional values you should use a DoubleMetric
, but for whole numbers a LongMetric
is more appropriate.
ComplianceMetric tells you what proportion of rows in a dataset comply with the given constraint. Again a filter can be applied before the metric is calculated. For example:
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.{ComplianceFn, MetricFilter}
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricDescriptor.ComplianceMetric
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
ComplianceMetric(ComplianceFn(col("fullName").isNotNull, "fullName is not null"), MetricFilter.noFilter)
CountDistinctValuesMetric counts the number of distinct values in the given columns. A filter can be applied before the metric is calculated. For example:
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricDescriptor.CountDistinctValuesMetric
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricFilter
CountDistinctValuesMetric(List("firstName", "surname"), MetricFilter.noFilter)
DistinctnessMetric calculates, for a given set of columns, how unique those are across the whole dataset. A filter can be applied before the metric is calculated. For example:
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricDescriptor.DistinctnessMetric
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricFilter
DistinctnessMetric(List("firstName", "surname"), MetricFilter.noFilter)
MinValueMetric and MaxValueMetric
These calculate the minimum/maximum value of a given column in a Dataset. You must specify if they operate on columns with Ints or Longs (by using OptLongMetric) or Doubles (by using OptDoubleMetric). A filter can be provided For example:
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricDescriptor.MinValueMetric
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricFilter
import com.github.timgent.dataflare.metrics.MetricValue.OptLongMetric
MinValueMetric[OptLongMetric]("age", MetricFilter.noFilter)
The reason these checks use OptLongMetric or OptDouble metric is because in the case of an empty Dataset the only sensible metric value to calculate is None. These types of metric value calculate metrics that are options to acknowledge this possibility.