
package checks

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ArbDualDsCheck extends DualDsQCCheck

    Check for comparing a pair of datasets

  2. trait ArbSingleDsCheck extends SingleDsCheck

    A check to be done on a single dataset

  3. trait ArbitraryCheck extends QCCheck

    Arbitrary check - could provide any function to do this type of check

  4. sealed trait CheckDescription extends AnyRef
  5. case class CheckResult(qcType: QcType, status: CheckStatus, resultDescription: String, checkDescription: CheckDescription, datasourceDescription: Option[DatasourceDescription] = None, errors: Seq[FlareError] = Seq.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    The result of a check

    The result of a check


    - status of the check


    - description of the check result


    - description of the check


    - optional description of the datasource used in the check


    - any errors that occured when trying to execute the check

  6. sealed trait CheckStatus extends EnumEntry

    Represents the resulting status of a check

  7. sealed trait DatasourceDescription extends AnyRef
  8. trait QCCheck extends AnyRef

    Represents a check to be done

  9. sealed trait QcType extends EnumEntry
  10. case class RawCheckResult(status: CheckStatus, resultDescription: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Check result without additional information about datasource and check description

    Check result without additional information about datasource and check description


    - status of the check


    - description of the check result

Value Members

  1. object ArbDualDsCheck
  2. object ArbSingleDsCheck
  3. object ArbitraryCheck
  4. object CheckDescription
  5. object CheckResult extends Serializable
  6. object CheckStatus extends Enum[CheckStatus]
  7. object DatasourceDescription
  8. object QCCheck
  9. object QcType extends Enum[QcType]
